PACE is an algorithm/tool that estimates the anaerobic energy reserve/capacity/balance (W’, pronounced “W prime”) of the body during exercise. It quantifies the capacity of an athlete to produce high-intensity effort, often the performance-limiting or -determining factor in races. In cycling, a relatively controlled environment, the measurement of a rider’s power output allows to calculate a real-time estimate of W’ during exercise.
PACE integrates data measured during exercise and computes a real-time estimate of a rider’s actual W’, based on that athlete’s physiological profile (determined in performance testing). This provices athlete’s performing exercise with real-time feedback on their anaerobic balance and allows them to make decisions and adjust their tactics accordingly.
For further information about the PACE project, unrelated to the technical development, see to the Victoris project page.
Critical Power (CP): The maximum power output that an athlete can maintain over an extended duration (~30–60 min). Physiologically, it corresponds to the highest steady-state oxidative metabolism rate, where lactate production and clearance remain balanced.
Anaerobic Capacity (W’): The finite amount of work that can be exerted above CP before exhaustion. Once W’ is depleted, power output must drop to or below CP to allow (partial) recovery.
IDLab’s tasks within the PACE project include:
Integration with cycling computers and sports watches is not currently pursued due to following limitations:
An example of a post-analysis visualization: