About the project

In January 2021, IDLab (Ghent University - imec) started its collaboration with the Union Cycliste Internationale (UCI) on road cycling safety analysis and incident reporting. As a joint effort, a series of applications, measures and tools to analyse, prevent and understand safety related matters. Road cycling safety has been a highly covered topic in the media and our research has already gained some momentum in public media.

IDLab role

Within the COURSE (Creation Of Uci Race Safety Enrichments) project, our research group will have an assisting role for the road safety manager, race organizers and race officials to help them understand which factors lead to safer races. We will mainly focus on building tools and algorithms to highlight, document and analyse safety related topics such as course analysis and automated Twitter incident scraping.

Contact the involved IDLab Researchers

Main researcher
ing. Robbe Decorte
Research supervisor
prof. dr. Steven Verstockt